October 26, 2020

Post Review WSL and Security in C

Today I feature to you a quick review of my previous posts. I feature to you two posts I appreciated with some special experiences about them. Don’t hesitate to review and enjoy them!

WSL and IDE.

I discovered the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) during the beta. First, I was surprised and mitigated. Then, I discovered a great connection with my IDEs. Finally, I work directly with it.

Each time I write a code, I am using the WSL. The reason is simplicity. I like video games, programming, and Linux systems. Unfortunately, video games are in majority on Windows. WSL avoids the installation of a dual boot or virtual machine.

​Hey! Welcome to my Tutorial ​about WSL and how to develop Linux application with Visual Studio Code. ​I'll feature to you a great way to develop your Linux application with a Windows environment. ​This environment is configured without dual boot, virtual machine or ​Docker installed on your system. I'll stay

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Three security errors in C:

I really appreciated writing this post. It was a great occasion to test the pure C application. C is my first programming language. Even if it looks hard to use, I appreciate so much the performance and interaction with the system.

Moreover, it was a great occasion to see some attacks. Like a simple buffer overflow modify or binary analysis.

I fixed some typo errors in my post. I hope you will enjoy it!

Here is a list of three classic security errors in C I saw during my carrier. At first, C is a great language: performant, perfect for memory management, and perfect for embedded systems... However, C is an old programming language (The first version appeared in 1972!) and it was created

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Photo in banner by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

About the author 

Axel Fortun

​Developer specialized in Linux environment and embedded systems.
​Knowledge in multiple languages as C/C++, Java, Python​ and AngularJs.
​Working as Software developer since 2014 with a beginning in the car industry​ and then in ​medical systems.